Don’t be afraid to speak a foreign language.

Don’t be afraid to speak a foreign language

One of the most common difficulties people face when learning a language is being afraid to speak their target language with other people. (see article on 5 most common obstacles)

That’s very normal, I remember the first time I had to speak French for the first time (a long time ago) I was so nervous that I just forgot everything I learned.

But after time, I got used to speak French and other foreign languages to native people. The biggest fear of people is being judged or being laughed at but I have noticed that this does almost never happen. Most of the time the people that do laugh with you are monolingual people so they don’t know anything about languages!!!!
Don’t listen to these negative people.

Most of the time, people will appreciate it that you do the effort to speak their language, even if you make a ton of mistakes. They would be happy to correct them for you.

What should I do if people start speaking English to me instead?

Just keep on speaking your target language, hopefully they will switch again to their language too after a while.

Another thing you can do is just tell them that you don’t want to use English at all. That you really want to practice and improve your target language. Normally they will understand that.

If you are too afraid…

If you don’t feel ready yet to go and start speaking with a native, you can start to have little conversations with people you know already. For instance, your language teacher, another friend or student who learns the same language, a good friend of you who speaks the language… If you have the chance and opportunity to do that, I really recommend you do this.

Or you can speak to yourself, it can sound strange but it is really effective if you don’t have another way to practice. You can talk about topics like how your day was, what you are going to do the whole day or what you will eat,…

In this way you will slowly get used to speaking the language.

If you feel comfortable enough in the language, you can switch to native people. Don’t be afraid and just do it! The fear will eventually disappear!

Thank you for reading this article and I hope this helped you in some way.



My language learning method

Hello again!

Foto cover.jpgIn this article, I will talk about how I learn languages. First of all, I want to say you that this method may be working for you or not at all. Everyone is different so you have to find out for yourself what method works best for you.

In the beginning when I learn a language, I learn the most important words and sentences that are used in daily life so that I can use them as fast as possible. If you want to know what these words and sentences are let me know and I will publish a list for you guys.

With this base, I can already start to speak a little in that language. For me it is important to start speak the language as fast as possible. I know that some polyglots will say that you first should have a certain level before you start to speak, others say that you should speak it from day one and that’s also my opinion.

Unfortunately, I don’t know a lot of people in my neighbourhood who speak my target languages. But sometimes when I am outside, -in the market for instance- and I see people that are speaking a language that I learn, I go to them and start speaking. Most of the time the people are amazed and want to know more so they ask a lot of questions. This is a great practice for me because when I make a mistake they will correct me. Don’t be scared to make mistakes guys! I learned French almost my entire life but only when I was 17 or 18 I started to speak it good because before the age of 17 I was scared to use this language. I was scared of what people would think of my accent and I was scared because I would make a lot of mistakes but making mistakes while speaking is one of the most important things of your learning process, that’s the only way you’ll learn the language correctly.  It’s just impossible to not make one single mistake.

When I don’t have anyone to speak with, I just speak with myself. Maybe this sounds strange or ridiculous to you but it’s effective. When I speak to myself I just talk about my day, what I will do or what I did that day. When I’m doing something, I say to myself what I do in the languages I learn. When I don’t know a word I just look it up and by doing this daily I learn a lot of words that are useful in daily life.

When I travel to a foreign country I try to speak to the locals only in their language. This is the best way to learn a language. In that way I also learn a lot about their culture and mostly they appreciate it that I speak/learn their mother tongue.


I use the languages that I learn on a daily basis.  I listen a lot to my target languages. I listen to songs, I watch movies, series, the news, vlogs etc. … Everything that I can find in that language and that is useful for me and interesting. When listening, I am very attentive and when I don’t understand a word I write it down and look the meaning up. I also download podcasts on my phone to listen when I am outside or when I am in the gym.

Sometimes I watch videos a few times until I understand the whole thing. It’s important to know what they are talking about.
I also do this with Russian but I am not yet able to understand a whole video. In that case I try to figure out what they are talking about just by listening very attentive to the words I do understand. Often, you don’t need to understand every word to know what they are talking about. If you understand the most important words that’s already a good start. In this way, I also learn new vocabulary.

I do listen a lot to music and sometimes I translate the text of a song that I like. That’s a nice way to learn new vocabulary as well.


I try to read every day, it can happen that I skip a day sometimes but that does not happen very often. Things that I read in my target languages are: books, the journal, or just posts on social media. I just try to use all the languages that I speak and learn as much as possible.

Every now and then I search a text in the journal that is not too difficult for me. I write down the whole text or I print it out and I mark all the words that I don’t know. First I think for myself what the meaning could be and then I look the words up in a monolingual dictionary. I don’t use my mother tongue in that case. I search the meaning in the language itself. In that way, I learn to use that language.





I also read books on my kindle app.
This is great because when I don’t know a word I just have to select that word and the meaning appears right away. You also can mark the words. And another advantage is that I can read my kindle books wherever I am because it’s on my phone. So when I am in the train or when I am waiting for someone I read.


Yes, I do have some grammatical books and I do use them but for me this is not the most important. Yes, I agree, grammar is very important to know the structure of a language and to know how to use the language but by only learning grammatical books you will never be able to speak a language fluently. So, I learn grammar every now and then or when I don’t understand how to use a verb or how to form a sentence I’ll look it up in my books or I watch YouTube videos. You can find a lot of interesting and useful lessons on YouTube in almost every language.


In my freAppse time, I make use of language apps like Duolingo, Memrise, AnkiDroid, Flash Academy, Chineseskill, Tandem… This is just a fun way to practice and review my languages. They are all available on android and apple if you are interested. These apps are a great way to practice wherever you want, because you can use them wherever you go.




And whenever I have the opportunity to speak one of my target languages I do it!

 You can never practice enough!

So, this is my method, I hope this was useful for you.

Don't forget to visit my youtube Channel where I share videos in the languages I learn to show my progression or just to give some tips . Multilinguismo 

I started to learn Portuguese!

I started to learn Portuguese

Last week I finally decided to start learning Portuguese after a long time of thinking about it. I just wanted to make sure that my Italian was good enough before I started to learn another Romance language. So, I don’t mix them up.

Why Portuguese?
Well, first of all because I love to learn languages and I want to learn as much languages as possible! 😀 And the second reason is just because it is a beautiful language. I love the sound of it, it’s like music in my ears.
When I saw something in Portuguese for the first time, I was impressed with how much I understood. I understood like 70% of it.

That’s because I already speak Italian, French and some Spanish. Portuguese is very similar to those three languages and that makes it easy to understand so much.
So, I know that this language will be a lot easier to learn for me than Russian for example. I am learning Russian over a year now and I finally start to understand more and more. That’s because I did not know any language before that is similar to Russian.

Well, this was a short blog post just to tell you that I started to learn another language.
I can’t wait to speak Portuguese and maybe I will visit Portugal soon!

Never stop learning and keep practicing!

Thank you for reading and see you next time!

Don't forget to visit my youtube Channel where I share videos in the languages I learn to show my progression or just to give some tips . Multilinguismo